Virtual, hybrid, live and remote
Combined solutions for events, conventions and conferences
A hybrid event is a combination of an event that takes place live on site and a virtual broadcast. Some participants come together physically, while others participate online. Live events are expanded with digital components and can therefore be attended on site as well as virtually.
On this page, digital components are presented, which are used to virtually expand live events and to create a hybrid event.
Increase participation
Interactive elements help participants to express themselves.
Increase range
You can reach more people with a virtual extension.
Record event
The event can be recorded live and viewed afterwards.
Participate anywhere
It is possible to take part in the event from any location.
Visitor Statistics
The number of participants can be recorded within digital events.
Conserve resources
Thanks to digital participation, many visitors do not have to travel to the event.
Long term use
Once the technical infrastructure has been created, it can be used continuously.
Personalized Theme
Digital extensions can be adapted to individual needs.

fair teaching
for hybrid events
As a video conferencing application, fairteaching is specially designed for webinars, lectures and workshops and is therefore particularly suitable for events. With fairteaching, an audio or video conference can be started easily in the browser and shared via a link. Participants can form groups in breakout rooms and sketch ideas together. As a moderator, the rights of the participants can be restricted and lectures can be designed individually. fairteaching can be adapted according to the corporate identity and branded with the organization logo.
500 guests can participate in up to 100 conference rooms. If the event is also streamed, a thousand participants can watch.

Interpretation function
for international events
fairteaching has a function specifically for interpreters. This function is mainly used for international events that are translated into several languages. In addition to the main language channel, additional language channels can be created for the translations. The interpreter selects the language to be translated and speaks the translation into the appropriate language channel. The listeners can simply select the language channel they want.

fair.tube and fairstream
Streaming for hybrid events
fair.tube is based on PeerTube. PeerTube's code is open and can be viewed by anyone who is interested. The special thing about the alternative video platform is the peer-to-peer transmission. The video is streamed stably and efficiently from viewer to viewer. Hybrid events can be streamed via fair.tube. This means that in addition to the participants on site, other viewers can be there virtually and regardless of location.
fairevent as a combined solution
for hybrid events with virtual transmission.
Premium support and service level agreement
variants during the event.
Use the right camera
A camera is required for the visual transmission of the event. The integrated camera on the laptop or a webcam on the computer is often sufficient to get together. However, this changes as soon as, for example, a podium is used for the event on site and this is also to be shown to the virtual participants. Then a webcam can no longer meet the requirements and an additional camera must be planned. It is important to go through the setting of a hybrid event in advance in order to be able to align the digital components accordingly.
Choose the right microphone
Most laptops have built-in speakers and a built-in microphone. In addition, a headset can be connected for better audio quality. However, if several speakers come together, the use of a conference loudspeaker is recommended. Conference loudspeakers minimize ambient noise and thus make listening more pleasant for the virtual participants. Participants who only listen should mute the respective microphones to avoid background noise. For example, fairteaching enables virtual rooms to be set up in such a way that listeners are automatically muted and only the moderator's microphone is activated.
Pay attention to the bandwidth
A constant internet connection with sufficient data transmission is essential for a hybrid event. If a live stream is planned, a separate Internet line can be set up for the stream. This ensures that the transmission can be streamed without interruptions. Test runs can help in advance to identify problems and to be able to fix them up to the hybrid event.
Correct handling of questions
In the case of hybrid events, it is advisable to repeat the questions from the audience for the online participants. This ensures better understanding and involves all participants in the question and answer session.
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